
On-site visit: Cologne district mayor in the city

Quelle: KIVVON KÖLN (Glomex)

Andreas Hupke (Alliance 90/The Greens) is the district mayor of Cologne city center. He once lived in Roonstraße - and has a lot to say about that time. The shared flat was apparently a hotbed of activity at times, and coals had to be hauled to keep warm. And he experienced socio-political history in the truest sense of the word: the house he lived in belonged to the scandal-ridden real estate entrepreneur Günther Kaußen. It was to be demolished, which a courageous neighbor noticed at the time and reported to the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper. Hupke and his friends also campaigned for its preservation - successfully, as it still stands today and is even a listed building.