Travel & Adventure

Shock-frozen: Icy polar air floods USA! Scary thunderstorm in Germany!

Quelle: WETTER.NET (Glomex)

The weather in Germany will be extremely changeable over the next few days, especially on Friday and Saturday. In addition to numerous rain showers, even isolated thunderstorms are to be expected. Nevertheless, people can look forward to spring-like temperatures that will make spending time outdoors pleasant. While there is often talk of heat and warmth in our latitudes, it is worth looking across the Atlantic to the USA. There, a strong push of polar air masses awaits the north-east at the start of next week. Permafrost will prevail in many regions around Chicago and residents will have to prepare for cold days. These contrasts illustrate the diversity of the weather and how differently it can present itself around the world. While we have to contend with changeable but mild weather here, other parts of the world are facing much harsher conditions. Find out more from presenter Kathy Schrey.